"Don't eat less, eat right"

  Hello, I'm very happy that you’re taking the time to visit, Thank you! This is me, Sara El-Zeitounie, a Clinical Nutritionist, Dietitian, well-being advocate, lover of delicious healthy food, and fitness lover. It's my pleasure to help you change your life inside out!

مرحبا ! أنا جدا سعيدة لزيارتك الموقع,شكرا لك أنا سارة الزيتونية,اخصائية تغذية علاجية و حميات, عاشقة للوصفات و الأكل الصحي و محبة للرياضة و اللياقة. يشرفني ان اساعدك للوصول لهدفك من الداخل و الخارج ​

bowl of vegetable salads


​ The number one question I get asked by everyone is WHY I chose to become a Registered Clinical Dietitian (RD). I’d love to be able to tell people the answer to this question in one short, neat and encompassing way, but the truth is I have so much in my mind that I can’t sum it up in one paragraph. ​​
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وصفات و نصائح صحية  ألقي نظرة واشتركي ليصلك أحدث الوصفات و طبقيها بنفسك


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